Creating smiles to last a lifetime
326 North Rosser St.
Forrest City, Arkansas 72335
What Would You Like to Know?
You’ve Got Questions - I’ve Got Answers
Can I get a same-day appointment?
At Graham Family Dental, we strive to offer same-day appointments for emergencies and tooth aches. Just give us a call we will do our best to get you in!
Will my insurance cover my visit?
We accept many insurances at Graham Family Dental including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Delta Dental, Municipal Health, Principal, United Concordia, and many more! We will file your insurance so you do not have to worry about that. Many insurances cover the full price of a cleaning so make sure to take advantage of your benefits!
Do you offer financing options?
We accept cash, credit or debit card, or CareCredit. CareCredit is a credit card that runs promotions regularly and offers low interest (and sometimes no interest) for a select amount of months and is used to pay for dental treatment. Ask our front desk for more information!